Welcome To The MindFrame Continuity Program

Through public demand you can now do the mindframe Technique online, this is a six week program. Weeks 1 to 5 cover steps one to 5 of the mindframe Technique. Week 6 is for a recap and reinforcing, you then select 1 or more packages of the continuity packages. Having done 5 step with the mind frame parkages you now have all the tools that are neccesary to achive all your goals and solve any problemWhat you get each week.


Week 1 (Step 1 - Deep Relaxation)

From this deep refreshing state of being, you can now access the creative subconscious mind and by working at this level of mind, you can work on your old faulty patterns and turn your life around.

Main uses:

To reach deep physical relaxation
To harmonise your sleep cycles
To communicate with the subconscious mind

Week 2 (Step 2 – The Mental Mirror)

Step 2 - is the foundation of the Mindframe Technique®. This is the main tool used at this creative dimension. It is a revolving mirror, which will simply help you identify any faulty pattern and help you turn it around. It has a black frame on one side and on the other side is a white frame. The black frame always represents the negative, the past. You turn it around and you arrive at the positive, in the white frame. The more you use this technique the more health, wealth and happiness will come into your life. You have energised your solution! You have created your future!

Main uses:
To turn negative patterns into positive outcomes
To set future goals
To heal relationships
To release yourself from all fear
To be here now and align yourself with your true purpose

Week 3 (Step 3 – The Finger Trigger)

The mirror can be swivelled by simply bringing the first two fingers and the thumb, of either hand together. This trigger will automatically cause you to pause, step back and relax. You can snap into the right frame of mind. Your control is at your fingertips.

There is a lot of energy in our fingertips. As soon as you relax, the fingers automatically curl in and even though they are not touching, they close the energy circuit, you relax and go into the Alpha state.

Main uses:

For instant relaxation
To stop reactionary behaviour patterns
To swivel the Mental Mirror from black to white
For activating memory (Studying)Finding a parking place (See Step 3 of Training DVD)
To help in finding misplaced items (See Step 3 of Training DVD)

Week 4 (Step 4 – The Water Technique)

What happens if you neglect to use the Finger Trigger? Suddenly your negative thought patterns have energised the black frame. You feel depressed, stuck in your old pattern, you are going to be saying, “I don’t know what to do?!” This is where Step 4 comes in.

When you are working with the black and white frame, you do not have to go all the way back the past or to the original incident to change these patterns, you simply change the current version. Through deep relaxation you can access the deep Alpha state of mind, commonly known as the sub-conscious. All your experiences since birth are recorded as thought patterns in the sub-conscious. As there is no time and space at this level of mind, these patterns can be changed regardless of how long ago they were formed. The 5 Step MindFrame Technique® addresses this change.

Main uses:

Important events
Backup for the Finger Trigger
Hand over questions to the subconscious mind
Swivel Mirror from Black to White
Anchoring good experiences

Week 5 (Step 5 – Meditation)

The purpose of this meditation technique is twofold: Firstly, it will deepen your Alpha state and train the mind to be focused and single minded at any time. Secondly, it will enable you to work towards transcending the mind and achieve the ultimate goal of man, which is to open up the Delta or spiritual side of life. Every night when we go to sleep we enter the Delta level. Here there is no thought and no action.

This step can be used as a stand-alone meditation technique whenever you wish to contact the inner-self and experience peace and calm that comes from within.

Main uses:
To focus the mind
Open ‘Delta’ to attain Self-Realisation

Week 6 (Maintenance Program)

Recap and re-enforce the 5 steps of the MindFrame Technique. This module will iron out any difficulties you may experience in the application of this powerful Self-Hypnosis program. Any problem can be solved and any goal can be attained with the simple click of your fingers.
Main uses:

The 'Complete Technique' will enable you to re-enforce the 5 steps in order to completely master every aspect of your life.
Practice with the CD or download at least once a day for maximum results.

Now that you have successfully install the 5 steps of MindFrame into your subconscious the rest is simple. Select one or more of the following packages to help you solve or cure your problems. If there is no specific package for your particular condition, look through the list of additional modules to find your requirements. Remember that 'Only the mind can be sick' therefore any problem can be solved by changing your mind. A package can be designed specifically for you.

DepressionHeal Relationships


Mind MappingMoney Maker

Public SpeakingSpeed Reading

Stop SmokeSuper Memory

Super SalesmanWeight Away

Select your MindFrame online Packages:
These modules can be selected as an add-on after you have completed the 5 steps of The MindFrame Technique. Or you can select the full package at the out set and save 20%. If you would like to choose more than one package at the outset you get 20% off any additional title.
Each module covers the subject matter at depth and is garrenteed to solve the problem if the suggested steps are followed.
As with all our products full online backup is given until your are 100% sure your problem has been solved.
Depression and Anxiety
(6 week package)

Depression and Anxiety can be effectivly cured through The MindFrame Technique. Learn this simple technique of self-hypnosis and turn your life around with the click of your fingers. Hypnosis is a natural cure for depression, anxiety attacks, panic attacks and phobias. We call these syndromes misperceptions because they all start in the mind and have the same basis which is fear. As all fear is an illusion and is based on past faulty thought patterns, it is easy to dispel it by bringing it to truth and thus setting yourself free from this unnatural disorder.

It is said that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It must be remembered though, that in order to have a chemical reaction in the brain, you first must have a thought. It then stands to reason that, if the brain chemistry is out of balance, there must be a corresponding unbalanced or disturbed thought pattern. If this disturbed thought pattern is energized for long enough it becomes addictive. At this point this “toxic mood” infects all other thoughts, causing what is called “clinical depression”.

Psychology, at best, will only help you to identify your faulty thought pattern and then teach you to cope with it. By coping with your misperception you perpetuate it. A psychiatrist will simply administer drugs. Obviously no drug will ever solve your problems. They simply attempt to suppress them, which only compounds the problem in the long run, as you are doing nothing to change your mind.

In order for your depression or anxiety to remain you must re-create it each day, otherwise it will simply disappear because it is not consistent with Truth. If we think we are going to find happiness outside of ourselves we are setting ourselves up for depressing disappointments.
Our limited understanding of this vast universe must be dispelled. Thank God for depression. Anxiety and depression go hand in hand. It is a sign that shows you that you have bought into a misperception. The MindFrame Technique® enables you to pause, step back and put things into perspective again. All fear based problems such as depression, anxiety, panic disorders and phobias can be cured naturally through

Heal Relationships
(6 week package)

Learn to heal any relationship whether it is family, friendship or business

Any relationship with another human being is an opportunity for growth. There are no chance encounters, whether it is bumping into an old lady at the supermarket, being cut off by a drunken driver on the road or a bitter feud with a business college. If you react to the encounter with anger and blame, you will have blown your opportunity to learn the lesson the encounter offers. If, on the other hand, you choose to respond in a creative, loving and understanding way and allow the encounter to bring you 'into the moment' and to see things differently you set yourself free of endless suffering.
(6 weeks)

Meditation or mindfulness is a subtle process allowing you to transcend the mind and find inner peace. Peace, in fact is our natural state of being that has been veiled by our endless neurotic thoughts. Learn to quiten the mind and gravitate back to that joyfull relaxed state of being that we all so dearly miss.

Once you have practiced Mindfulness or non-conceptual awareness for a while, you will find that your whole perception of the Universe changes.
Mind Mapping
(6 weeks)

Although our main forms of communication are verbal or written, the truth is that our brains are multi-dimensional and work primarily with images or patterns.

We actually comunicate through the tranference of ideas. The subconscious mind can grasp the idea being commincated after only hearing the begining of a sentence. This is because the words are merely symbols that carry the multidimentional concept being convede. 'A picture speaks a thousand words'. If we learn to take notes through MindFrame's mindmap method recall of things being learn increase a thousand fold..

The MindFrame Technique? teaches you to master the art of Mind Mapping in a relaxed way while in the Alpha state. It works on the principle of identifying the primary concept and visually extending this into branches or 'trains' of thought.

(6 weeks)

MindFrame which involves self hypnosis is a garanteed cure for sleep disorders. 'Hypno' is the Greek word for sleep. With the help of self-hypnosis and meditation you can finally enjoy a good nights sleep.

Stress plays a number one role in poor sleeping habits. The triggers include personal or business problems, financial issues and emotional and traumatic situations. When the negative stimulus has abated, the sleep pattern should return to normal but in most cases this does not happen. The real problem sets in when the person causes the disturbed sleep pattern to continue long after the disturbing factor has cleared up. The MindFrame Technique instantly reverse this condition.

Money Maker
(6 weeks)

One of the greatest mistakes people make today is to say, "I can't afford it!". When you express yourself in a negative way like this, you block the natural abundance that is freely available to you.

This programme from the MindFrame Technique will show you how to release the abundance that that is naturally within you and allow you to materialize any dream you dare to visualize.

The Moneymaker Package is going to show you how to use the Laws of Manifestation that we all have at our disposal. These are the same laws that are reflected in the abundant natural world around us. To bring these laws into effect in your life is this simple - all you have to do is imagine what you want and it is yours.

How can it be so easy?

It is this easy because you already have everything you want, you have just forgotten who you are and therefore have lost sight of the unlimited power that you have. You have forgotten the fact that you have a magic wand that can be used to manifest whatever you dream. This program will show you how to turn this mental block around and release the unlimited potential from within.
Public Speaking
(6 weeks)

Do you go 'blank' when you have to stand up in front of a group of people to give a talk or lecture? Or get so nervous you feel sick to the stomach? How do we overcome one of the greatest fears of all – the fear of talking in front of other people? Many people fear public speaking more than they fear death.

If the thought of doing a presentation, delivering a lecture or making a speech makes you extremely nervous, this can cause unnecessary anxiety, stuttering, sweating or even mental blocks.This programme will teach you how to relax and overcome your fear. You will learn to be completely relaxed, in the Alpha state of mind, in front of any audience, and to speak with absolute confidence, no matter how large or informed your audience may be.

Speed Reading
(6 weeks)

Did you know that the fastest recorded reader in the world is a Russian teenager, Eugenia Alexenjenko, who can read 416 250 words per minute?

Your brain has a capacity of absorbing at least 100 000 wpm, yet when most people study, they drop their speed to between 125 and 150 wpm on average. As a result, the brain becomes bored and you start to lose concentration. Therefore, to keep your brain busy you need to read faster.

The MindFrame Technique® Speed Reading does the following:
1. Sharpens concentration and enhances recall.
2. Stimulates the right brain and encourages creative thinking.
3. Saves time by enabling you to only read what you need to.

The MindFrame Speed Reading programme has an advantage over any other course because you are working in the ‘Alpha’ state of mind.

Stop Smoke
(6 weeks)

The natural principles applied in our Stop-Smoke program enable you to stop smoking easily without stress or will power. In fact, so powerful are the positive affirmations you'll be planting in your subconscious, that you'll feel the benefit from this de-stressing in many other areas of your life too.

The reason that people have difficulty in giving up smoking is that they try to use willpower. There is a law of mind that states, "Whenever the imagination and will are in conflict, the imagination always wins". Thus the futile battle.

The Stop-Smoke program allows you to prepare your mind so that you can just stop one day and never smoke again.

Super Memory
(6 weeks)

You will rapidly learn and recall speeches, data, presentations, names, faces, numbers, etc. We all have a photographic memory; we just need to learn how to use it effectively. The answer to developing a super memory is to use the language of the subconscious ie. do it in ‘Alpha’. There are a lot of memory development programs on the market but very few teach you to do it in ‘Alpha’.

Children are predominately in ‘Alpha’ and that is why they learn new things extremely quickly. In fact, if you expose a child to seven different languages before they turn seven they will learn all seven with ease.

This is because, as adults, we have 'forgotten' how to function in ‘Alpha’. We can never really lose our memory! The MindFrame Technique® Super Memory programme re-minds us how to use our subconscious mind efficiently.

Super Salesman
(6 weeks)

The attitude of a successful sales person is to improve the life of your client by meeting, and in some cases, exceeding their expectations. Maintaining relationships takes confidence and when your clients recognize your enthusiasm and reliability, they will stick with you through thick and thin!

Fear of rejection is a salesman's biggest block! Fear is an illusion! Have you noticed that when you build up the courage to face the fear, it disappears?
The MindFrame Technique® Super Salesman programme effectively assists you in neutralizing that fear and sets you on a course of self mastery which allows your natural abundance to be realized.

Weight Away
(6 weeks)


There are some people who eat as much as they want and never seem to gain an ounce, whereas another person just has to look at a chocolate and they gain ten ounces.

Why is this? It is a result of the simple fact that your body will manifest whatever you tell it to even if you are unaware of the instruction! Negative thoughts, or the fear of being fat, will influence your actions and will change your metabolism causing your weight problem.

The MindFrame Technique® Weight-Away programme will show you how you can identify the negative thought patterns and misperceptions and turn them around - no matter how long you have had your problem.

By doing this there is no further need for self-denial diets as your eating habits will change automatically and your body will gravitate back to its natural weight.

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